1) Pencil n paper---> scan your doodle---> edit/colour by using Adobe Phostoshop
2) Draw using MS Paint---> Edit/colour using Adobe Photoshop---> font using Picnik.com (can also use Adobe Photoshop)
3) Draw, colour, edit using tablet.
4) Doodle online at RINDU OEKAKI, (link--> http://www.rindu.org/).
After register, you can doodle anything n it is free!
You dont have any idea how to make a doodle??. These tutorial videos will help you :D
1) http://ruqaiyahhmyprojects.blogspot.com/2011/07/tutorial-doodle-menggunakan-paint.html
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIvXIP2IRU0&list=UUqEo2kvRYBefiExCHKwxPCQ&index=1&feature=plcp
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02fOJp2EuN4&feature=share
4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=najnaZ0GhVQ&feature=youtu.be
5) http://mrdoctorspeaking.blogspot.com/2012/02/tutorial-melukis-doodle-muslimah.html
2 000 Pengomen Hebat:
susah lah gune photoshop , sy gune paint je , tapi tak lawa mcm photoshop . tak reti , singgah lah blog sy , then kritik sikit psl doodle tu . hihi .
@Shima Yahyaa'a memang susah pon gna photoshop . sha just guna photoscape dgn gimp jer . simple lagii senang :D
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